
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:17:12
英语翻译求眼睛好的高手来翻译这张纸所写的文字,这张图是汉语啊,不过写纸张的人有没有用繁体字就不清楚咯!如果不行不一定要全部翻译,谁翻译最多给分~http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%C6%BE%C0%B8%CD%FB 今天有个女生递给我一张纸,上面写1314200什么意思啊?1314我知道, Good morning,ladies & gentlemen.English is spoken as a first language in the USA.是否该把a first 改为the first? Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.1.I will leave at once / right now / right away.2.I am leaving at once/ right now / right away.哪句更符合英美人表达习惯? Good morning,ladies & gentlemen.Smoking _____ in the cinema.A.won't be allowed B.shouldn't be allowed选哪个?Why?Thank you. Good morning,everyone!Nice to meet you I'm your tour guide today,Welcome to my hometown 距离产生美 用英文怎么说 嵺的偏旁换成绞丝旁是什么字 激去掉偏旁加上绞丝旁是什么 部首都是单人旁的词,部首都是绞丝旁的词 river,matter,community可数不可数 我同学给张纸,不晓得写的啥下课,我同学仍张纸,我一看,写着“qs IHS IN”,想了一节课,没想出来,是啥意思呀 帮我取个英文名好马?我叫林佳莹 我想要几首很美的英文歌曲要很好听的,就像《dying in the sun》《just one last dance》《because of you》 谁能帮我写Make a poster.Ask for help with an event at your school.的作文,只要8句 求很安静很美的英文歌谢谢 can you help him with his English?如何翻译? 有没有旋律很美的英文歌?像林俊杰的CriesInADistance的旋律很美的歌 翻译:如果她懂英语的话,(ask sb.for help) look!that kite---------a horse Look at that monkey. at look new kite at 连词成句要求连词成句,是两个at 没有the Look at the door 改否定句 There are some postmen in the office 改单数句 That is (a red kite)括号提问 Look at that dress.It 's pretty. 今天晚自习一女同学给我一张纸.让我保存好让我猜含义.纸上...今天晚自习一女同学给我一张纸.让我保存好让我猜含义.纸上就一个类似表格的东西.表里没任何字. Do you have a sister?做否定回答 这是一个故事 有个人捡起了办公室的一张纸最后被录取了 do you have any brother or sister ?与do you have any brother and sister ?有什么区别? 我上六年级,今天的作业有六张纸,多吗? 一天的作业,英语老师是不是有病? Do you have a 求英语翻译‘:四年前的今天,我给了一个女孩儿一张纸,从此以后.’ 英语翻译石头剪子布,先来打上石头的,我就算你赢!