
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:29:59
怎么写 本人还有许多作业未做 急.信息课的作业,求指导.学霸在哪里. 各位学霸,这是假期作业,求助 不定积分一道(图) 以元音结尾的单词,在后面接个s,是读/z/,对不? 是不是以元音结尾的单词加S,读ZI音 以元音结尾的动词加s,s读什么? 39.The report indicated that 45% of students were in jobs not_____specific qualifications.39.The report indicated that 45% of students were in jobs not______specific qualifications.A.requiring B.to be required C.being required D.to have r The report indicated that 45% of the students were in job not requiring specific qualification.requiring在这里做什么成分?句子该如何理解? i believe he--------- do everying he --------to help you 横线处填什么情态动词 He likes it.请问,请问likes中的s读/z/还是/s/. Pupils 后面的s发/s/的音还是发/z/的音?请说明一下是发哪个音,最好附上参考文档的出处,对于/l/,我不清楚它是清辅音还是浊辅音, pupils里的s是读/z/对吗,因为/l/算是浊音,对不? 为什么英文复数s根据读音规则读作[z]实际上听起来却是[s]的发音?比如trees,pupils?刚才听美剧中有一句..tried to stir up mischief among the pupils...按规则应该是[z]对吧?为什么听起来是[s]?这种情形似曾 that‘s to way 的意思 A positive solution to your finding a way to use that wonderful mind of yours.your finding a way涉及的语法,为什么用to your finding . 任务型阅读Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back kindness that you have. Reading books,____ takes the reader to other worlds,is a wonderful way to enjoy life.A.that BReading books,____ takes the reader to other worlds,is a wonderful way to enjoy life.A.that B.what C.as D.which为什么选C不选D?逗号前面全是先行 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者意思简短 用七个字概括“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者” 席慕容的《暮歌》表达了怎样的感情?应该用怎样的语气来朗读?我喜欢将暮未暮的原野 在这时候 所有的颜色都已沉静 而黑暗尚未来临 在山冈上那丛郁绿里 还有着最后一笔的激情 我也喜欢 压铸车间用英文怎么说 好友用英语怎么写 《论语》八则中的“知之”、“好之”、“乐之”的先后顺序可以颠倒吗?为什么? 请教英文达人,“具备一定的计划、组织和管理能力”英文要怎么说?非常感谢 英语达人请进啊,在XX方面,用英文怎么说呀?比如我说I divide my time into 4 main parts,Study,Community activity,Part-time job,Recreational activities.然后我想分别就这四方面展开,关于学习方便 我在考虑是用什么 The day which I spend with you will in my mind forever Smile everyday ,come on 我想要诗的分类(如:边塞诗,送别诗等)要加上例诗和鉴赏 ····· 边塞诗、折柳送别诗 距离究竟是产生了美,还是距离产生了美却没有了呢?