
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:03:51
承宫樵薪苦学中的猪主怪其不还,行求索是什么意思 in the sidewalk和on the sidewalk的区别 The supermarket ___a sale.let's go to buy something cheaper . we——100RMB now.Let‘s go to Mr Zhang’s clothes sale.填空A each has B all has C have each D each hav stay我 on the streets造句, 那位能够帮我解决几道科学题?为什么?1.将开红花的月季枝条(接穗)嫁接到开白花的植株(砧木)上,将来开出的是什么颜色的花?2.萝卜是采用无性繁殖来繁殖的吗?3.不利于保持亲本性状的繁殖方 pretend to be doing 的被动是什么?如题它的被动形式是什么? Although John Jay was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,____as a diplomat that he exerted his greatest influence on the new government of the US.A.there was B.he was C.it was D.his was麻烦解释一下 谢谢 new Supreme Court justice, Elena Kagan is sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts as Jeffrey Minear怎么翻译? 【20分求助】pretend to be doing 有被动形式吗?它的被动形式是pretend to be being done?比如我想说他假装正在被打,是说 he is pretending to be beaten咯? an uptade is available 拘水月在手,弄花香满衣 legal practitioner是什么意思 农办和农业局、畜牧水产局有什么联系? 每个市的农业科学研究所是都由该市农业局管的吗?如广州市农业科学研究所是由广州市农业局管的一样 清风散是什么啊? make sth of 例句:What do you make of the new boss I quite like him. I can make show me what you什么歌 山qing水秀的qing是没有三点水的“青”,还是有三点水的“清”? 水秀山青的下一句连词? 直系皖系奉系桂系滇系的实力对比北洋军阀们的实力 谁比较强 只是感兴趣 也许是挺无聊的一问题 但是本人对历史 军事比较感兴趣 可是对近代史了解太少 本人十分感谢50分送上 好的话再加 It differs from one culture to another stick to和stick at的区别.He has had three jobs in the last two years,he never ______ anything for long.应该选哪个? 什么是镜像人生,或者镜像般的人生~我要的不是名词解释,而是这个词所包含的意义比如说每一次偶遇,每一次的泄垢,仿佛命中注定般~如镜像般的人生楼下的回答我也明白,我想知道更深层次 来往扩词 咋扩 eat过去式( ) sun形容词( )1,A:ls this your calculator?B:no it__ __ A:__calculator is it?B:lt's hers.A:Let's go and __it to__.2,A:when is Children's Day?B:lt's on the first of___ A:what do children usually ___?B:they___and___ A:Did you __ 箭杆织布机点动不管用怎么回事 河南省安阳县清凉山海拔多少? i can not argue with those results.什么意思为什么要加with ?argue something 就好了阿. 五台山的高度请讲出五台山最近的测量高度是多少米? 五台山历史有多久,海拔有多高. 五台山的海拔有多高?