
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:26:32
感动这个词该怎么解释?就是中文意思是什么 用心理学解释"替代"一词的涵义这里的替代偏指那种由于失去或者没有,转而将情感转移到另一物体或人,从而寻求心里寄托,不知道专业名词是什么,就类似于这种的.请给专业的解释! 英语翻译从(B)中选出能与(A)栏组合的句子(A)1,he's going to move2,they're going to study3,we're going to communicate better4,we're going to work hard5,he's going to be6,i'm going to do 7,they're going to build8,she's going to get(B)A.in 英语翻译编程达人就不用多说了,英语达人请帮忙翻译每一个从“/*”到“ */”中间的内容/* How add your application to startup!Author:K1uSite:k0h.org & k1u.orgDisclaimer:I am not responsible for how you use this.This is p The girl in a yellow dress can be Kate .She likes being in yellow.改错 为什么? 教育心理学问题:1测验目标的实现程序?2心理上内化的动作是什么?3认知差异的教育意义? “图画认知”这一概念在心理学的界定是什么? 心理学上的成长是什么意思? 英语翻译The columns shall be ordered such that the columns for the measure with the highest number of errors over all Production Steps are leftmost.我知道大概是讲,一个表格中列的排序方式.ordered是排序.但是对应实际的表 英语翻译在使用中左右移动马达碰撞前机舱支撑立柱,造成马达(包括齿轮箱)固定底座破碎,已经无法使用,无法修复.要求:尽快更换损坏的马达,对设计缺陷进行改良,对设备进行鉴定是否能 获国家奖学金和国家励志奖学金的要求休过学的有没有希望副科主课各要多少分 我是厦大的 国家奖学金是不是按年算的 就是说你大一很一般 甚至有点差 但你大二一年暴强 那到了大三评时 我想问一下,国家励志奖学金是不是不如国家奖学金好呢?据说国家奖学金只能大学二年级申请是这样吗?不只从金额上,从意义上呢?我是07年入学的,现在大二上学期,我两次获得一等奖学金,学习 求国家奖学金,国家励志奖学金的申请理由写法 怎样用红笔写出蓝字来. 国家奖学金和励志奖学金是同时发的吗? 你能用红笔写出蓝字吗 国家奖学金与国家励志奖学金的区别 八年级英语单句改错Grandma thought it will be a good ideaA.itB.will beC.aD.idea the girl with long hair和the girl has long hair的区别应该用哪个?为什么? 英语句子改错和句行转换.句子改错1,Mom isn't at home.Please look at your brother.2,He,is up there in the playhouse and Bill.3,There are a dog and a cat under the bed.4,Mike and Jane are a cat under the bed.5,Let's go and have a look the 怎样用蓝色的笔写出红色的字 蓝笔写出的字为什么是红的 英语翻译Air RaidTime Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:10000KTotal Submissions:2515 Accepted:1502DescriptionConsider a town where all the streets are one-way and each street leads from one intersection to another.It is also known that starting from an in 红笔怎样写蓝字??脑筋急转弯的... 佛教的真理是什么 储蓄存款和定、活期存款有什么不同?不要照搬课本理论 为什么用蓝色的笔写出来字是红色的呢? 真理只有一个.佛,上帝,哪个真实存在? 佛之真理 佛的真理?佛是什么? 英语-改同义句和改错The spurs seemed so weak that they couldn"t beat the Rockets because of Yao MingThe Rockets seemed ____ _____ ______ _____ the spurs because of Yao Ming.American students usually do something somewhere to get some mony i 英语同义句\改错Show me that soccer(变同义句)Can you take photos?(变同义句)December 2nd was jenny's fourteen birthday.When she get home after school she saw her parents in the living-room.They said her,"Happy birthday,dear!We have a