
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:19:14
by the end of +过去时.主句用过去完成时.如果是现在一般时.主句什么时态?will have done形式哪时候用 决定晋文公成为中原霸主的是什么? 醉西游答题活动,公元前7世纪,晋文公成为中原霸主的决定性战役是:正确答案是什么? 英语 “相同的” “不同的” 词组, 有一个问题啊the match is going to ---at six this evening.A have B be 我该选哪个啊?为什么 George is r___ in bed one evening.Someone is c___.(首字母填空) walk down the path (翻译) "by the age of","at the age of"的区别? ben is giving his sister some fish as her birthday pesent 改同义句 Aladdin\'s here!He is giving Ben some cartooms as a birthday present是什么意 He wants some CDs as his birthday present.(改为同意句) 08六级成绩查询大家帮帮我查询我的08年12月份六级成绩啊!我的验证码打不开.准考证好是210081082202026 08 六级成绩查询99宿舍说准考证号错了,应该是过期了准考证号:360051081204310我知道从99宿舍进去之后会提示格式不正确..就是因为这样查不到我才问百度的...有没有其他方式可以查,楼下的继 陆浩天英文名 民无信不立的意思 自古皆有死,民无信不立.这句话的意思 I got a full mark in the recent test,which_____my confidence greatly.A.boosts B.boots C boasts D boats 08年12月英语六级成绩查询 411511082211316帮忙查一下 我国在解决社会经济政治等重大问题时,其决策形成的过程.(文综的政治题,正在考, 全部财富求08年12月英语六级成绩查询方法! 民无信不立什么意思!~~?“ 人类应该被灭绝掉 金融危机的英文是Financial crisis "车翻了" 英语怎么说"car accident" 不一定车翻了,意思不一样. 英语翻译The dominant technology for road-going passenger cars is currently front-wheel drive orstandard drive.Rear-motor drive used to be common,but is now used mainly in sportscars.Four-wheel drive on the other hand is firmly established in new financial crisis的音标 我的女儿不在车里,英语怎么翻 麻烦哪们能帮忙把以下几个关于汽车的词翻成英文外廓尺寸货厢内部尺寸核定载客驾驶室载客核定载质量准牵引总质量排量钢板弹簧片数轴数上海市公安局交能警察总队车辆管理所第一个回 in the teeth of the worst crisis 地道的翻译是什么? Noting the world has just gone through the worst financial and economic crisis since 1930s.noting放句首什么意思 What kind of book do you want?中的book用加s吗 yong as she is,mary is good at handing difficult customers