
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:00:23
1.我家离学校最近,所以我步行去上学 My home is the ()()the school,so I () ()school2.你们以前的房子怎么样?What () your house ()?3.托尼在学校表现很好,在家却很淘气Tony is () at school ,but he is () () ().4.My home w 油菜是我国南方地区常见的油料农作物,如图为一油菜植株,下面对油菜的叙述,不正确的是( ▲ )A.用显微镜观察油菜叶切片,可以观察到油菜细胞的细胞壁结构B.油菜的根为直根系,具有 作文:爱情与人生 2000字左右作文:爱情与人生 2000字左右 不要求太深刻 字数2000左右 大一期末作业 食品添加剂塑化剂主要在哪些食品中 食品中添加塑化剂的目的是什么 请大家帮我看一下这篇英语作文,可能有什么错误的地方请用英语描写你的寒假计划。我很激动。我计划:1.我和父母一起坐飞机去澳大利亚旅行。2.在沙滩上享受阳光。3.我去游泳,和鱼儿在 食品里为什么要添加塑化剂? Tommy bought a pair of new gloves last week .but he can't find __today A them B it C this Dthat说明原因 英语英语题Tommy bought a pair of new gloves last week .but he can't find __today A them B it为什么是A a pair不是单数吗 如何去除溴苯中混有的溴?能用四氯化碳吗?为什么? 麻烦大家帮我检查一下以下英语作文有无语法错误The sentiment after read Today I read a book called .The book was a story about a girl called Sara Crewe.Sara Crewe was an India.She was only seven years old and she had long black hai As everyone knows that water shortage has become one of the most serious problems facing us today .So that we should educate people to raise their sense of water conservation.It is a model example of water conservation in the above picture.It shows t People always like in the funeral down seemingly sad tears什么意思 I Like Dancing and always ____________ in the morning怎么写 When I'm up twenty I always play like I'm down forty啥意思?“When I was talking about competition earlier, I should tell you, when I talk like that, that’s me not relaxing. When I’m up twenty I always play like I’m down forty.”“当我 just like i thought,you always let me down!是不是该用as代替like 如何除去溴苯中的溴的试剂和方法(如过滤 分液 洗气 加热) hey there i'm 17m i'm looking for female friend just friend 除去溴苯中的少量杂质溴最好的试剂是什么有几个选项 水 稀NAOH溶液 乙醇 己烯 英语翻译帮翻译下邰丽华说的<我感觉残疾不是缺陷,而是人类多元化的一个特点,残疾不是不幸,只是不便,其实每个人的人生都是一样的,有圆,有缺,有满,有空,这是你没有办法选择的,但是你可 漩涡是怎样形成的? 童鞋是什么意思? 是同学的意思吗? 漩涡是怎样形成的啊?拜托了各位 谢谢 漩涡是如何形成的?漩涡的形成是河床不平整,还是因为地球转动的原因?请大家给我一个准确答案 漩涡怎样形成 配制一种溶液的浓度为20%,现有这种药液15kg,可以配制这样的溶液多少kg?配制时加入水多少kg?能说2个...配制一种溶液的浓度为20%,现有这种药液15kg,可以配制这样的溶液多少kg?配制时加入水多少 一种溶液,药液与水的比是1:500,要配制800千克的溶液,需要水多少千克?快 一种溶液,药液与水的比是1:500,现有800克药液,可配制溶液多少千克?这就是全部了. Of course,we had a good time in Beijing写出问句 Perfect! I had avery good time in Beijing.谢谢! gone forever----the chinese were looked down upon as weak people.答案是are the days when1)为什么要倒装?2)为什么不是were the days when?后面不是过去式么? 动物的嘴巴最好看是什么动物