
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:55:13
Before I Fall In 我叫 陈楚婷,希望取一个和我的名字谐音英文名,很好的意义.好听的 特别点的 我叫 阮志邦,希望取一个和我的名字谐音英文名,很好的意义. When I fall in love,it will be foreverWhen I fall in love,it will be forever 明朝是几几年到几几年谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 英语模块5 UNIT1 Secrets and lies 翻译 If____alone on a desert island,what would you do?A.leaving you B.having left you C.left D.leaving Imagine that you are alone on a tiny island 写一段对话.对话Imagine that you are alone on a tiny island.Choose five invention you would like to have on the island with you.tell the group what you chose and why. 修改病句 If I am alone on tiny island ,I would like to have many inventions 求一首超级好听的英文歌歌名 歌词高潮When I fall in love with you Anything is out of the blue全部歌词It's the coldest night,people passing byYou will be the one that light up my lifeWhen you're close to me,make me feel aliveLike ne ”即使生气,你讲话也要礼貌自然”译成英文怎么说? 即使生气,你讲话也要有礼貌、自然 用英语怎么写急 初三的英语作文 What would you do if you had a million?谢谢...给篇吧 英语作文:What would you do if you make a big fortune? 求英语作文一篇《What would you like to do?》词汇:advantages,disadvantages,earn more money,get a higher degree,prepare for a career; we like english 改为一般疑问句 肯定,否定 回答he like english they likes english eddie comes from pizhou she watches TV evenday is has beautiful hair改错 第四个是every day We like to go to English corner.(改为一般疑问句) we like English very much.改否定句和一般疑问句 we all like english.一般疑问句 肯定回答 别人都说and用于肯定句,而or用于否定句和疑问句,但是,有一次,我无意中在书上看到一个用and来引导的疑问句,这不符合别人说的啊.到底and和or的区别是怎么样的啊? 我的名字叫张晓彤 女生 想起个适合的英文名字 最好是有“彤”这个音的 麻烦大家给点意见 请大家把英文名字的含义附加上 or 和and 的区别?如题 我的名字叫x晓彤 有没有好听的英文名? or与and区别是什么 我的名字叫晓彤、谁可以帮我起一个音比较相近的英文名?要好听噢 and 和or的区别 我的名字的英文简写是LKT,最后一个字是彤字,我想起一个和我的名字有关联的英文名, he stud english改成一般疑问句 肯定回答 否定回答I study english we like tea torm likes tea 晓恩可以改成什么谐音的英文名阿我就是姓肖的.. or和and的区别or用于疑问句,和否定句,但为什么这句:Could you buy some drinks and food.是and而不是or呢 and和or有什么区别? and 和 or的区别比如a and b 后面用is 还是are那么or呢?是就近原则还是就远原则?(如果前面出现不可数,后面出现可数复数and或or后面到底是用is还是are那么and呢?如果前面是可数名词复数后面是