小明由A点出发向正东方向走10米到达B点,再由B点向东南方向走10米到达C点,则正确的是(  )

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 18:53:05
小明由A点出发向正东方向走10米到达B点,再由B点向东南方向走10米到达C点,则正确的是(  )
I can`t find the book,because it is not ___ it was .A.where B.what C.how D.when 选什么?为什么? She found she was a dollar or two short to buy the book中的was是什么意思,作什么用为什么可这么用 为什么组织培养中,在密闭的瓶子里的植物可以正常生长 蔚 怎么读 我心以冷英文怎么写 may i trouble you( )me your english book tomorrow?填什么?A.give B.bring C.to bring D.taking 英填空:The house ( )I live ( )( )( )15 years ago.我居住的这座房子是15年前建造的 很冷的英文 如果我们住在一个有厨房的房子就好了.it would什么 we could live in a house什么.补完整! 写作业要注意前后照应, 明天去参观青岛怎么样?———— ———— Qingdao tomorrow横线是两个空 新概念英语1-4册 全套听力就是这4本书的一套,求全套的听力最好有英式英语发音的美式英语发音俩套 live house里冲台和跳水是啥意思啊 live house music 《这片土地是神圣的》这一文中我听了印第安酋长的演讲,那种 ( )地感情让我也随之热情澎湃 I rang you at about ten, but no one answered the phone.A. visited B. was going to visit C. was visiting D. had visited这个选什么 i rang you at about nine ,but there was no reply.-oh,that was probably ()i was seeing the doa.why b.when c.what d.that 我选D,答案是B我知道这不是定语从句.that是可以做连词的.这句话中用that做连词也翻译的通啊,并没有 印第安酋长谁又向我们道出了“这片土地是神圣的”心声. It's about ten minutes' walk, I'll w ___ you there . 孔子和柏拉图几乎是同一个时期的吗 There's dog near here.What__it__now 柏拉图处于什么样的社会时期? 老鬼钓江鱼的钓鲤鱼饵料配方?主要钓澜沧江的鲤鱼、鲫鱼,望给个配方. 老鬼鲢鱼饵配方?我前天用鬼窝.底钓打窝,用底钓.鲢鳙+腥味.鲢鳙+小麦蛋白,钓了一天,就二条鲫鱼,郁闷啊.有没有特效配方? 英语翻译1.how do you feel about getting help?write a paragraph describing your attitude toward getting help for apsychological problem.to what extent do you feel that psychological help is asign of personal weakness?how severe would the problem h 老鬼夏鲫味型和什么饵料味型—样 I saw him ___a black shirt.A.dress inB.dressC.wearD.wearing 为什么others是other的复数形式?other不是本身就只能加复数名词吗 it‘sgreat to be a great man,but it's greaterto be a ture man小英 IT'S GREAT TO BE A GREAT MAN,BUT IT'S GREATER TO BE A TURE MAN. i will lose what i am working on I would like to be with you ,but where are you I am sorry I lost on my way!的意思?