
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:18:27
关于“电力设备”的专有名词中英文对照,哪位能提供啊?谢谢!感激不尽! 学科专有名词中英字典在国外学习 英文书中的很多单词的意思和普通字典的意思不太相同 请问谁知道能查询专业学科的专有名词的词典 能从电脑上用的 这样不会的词组可以查询到了就 比 用正确形式填空________ are they _________(sing) the song this moment.In the empty room. who ―(sing)the song in the hall this morning那个sing应该怎么填 I wanted to cook some nice food for the party.I bought a cookbook,which expained how French food接上 is prepared.这句话是什么意思、这是个什么句子 he has many reasons to kill himself.如题 真的没分了 He has an _________ to kill the thief who stole his wallet when he saw him iimportanceB、impossibilityC、impulseD、import His technique has developed to the point __he can help kill the latest computer virus going around.His technique has developed to the point __he can help kill the latest computer virus going around the city .A.that B.which C.when D.where答案是D, His technique has developed to the point __where_ he can help kill the latest computer virus goinground the city.我想问he can help kill the latest computer virus.这个句子主语,谓语是哪些看不懂拜托啦 51.如图10所示,在x轴上关于原点对称放置2个电性和电量相等的点电荷 ...51.如图10所示,在x轴上关于原点对称放置2个电性和电量相等的正点电荷q1 和 q2则对y轴上一点P的场强的方向能作出的判断 系统中电源开关脱扣电流与下级回路中开关 匹配 原则 HRS4H-S-DC5V继电器线圈接法分正负吗? 联想M7650DNF加墨粉后怎么还有墨粉量低 变压器为什么正负线圈都要绕那么多匝,为什么不将正负线圈的匝数都除以相同的数,升降压效果应该一样啊,而且还省材料. 英语翻译broken this fragile thing nowand i can't,i can't pick up the piecesand i've thrown my words all aroundbut i can't,i can't give you a reasoni feel so broken up (so broken up)and i give up (i give up)i just want to tell you so you knowhere He has much food at lunch time.(同义句) He has _ _ fHe has much food at lunch time.(同义句)He has _ _ food _ _. 英语翻译There's a place off Ocean Avenue,Where I used to sit and talk with you,We were both 16 and it felt so right,Sleeping all day,staying up all night,Staying up all night.There's a place on the corner of Cherry Street,We would walk on the bea Lily has fruit for lunch at school是什么意思 捕鼠能手是什么鸟 三道关于解斜三角形的题目!1.在三角形ABC中,三边分别长a,b,c,求BC边上中线AM的长.2.在三角形ABC中,角A为60度,外接圆半径为4,求三角形ABC面积的最大值. PQR三点在同一条直线上,一物体从P点静止开始做匀加速运动,经过Q点的速度为v,到R点的速度为3v,则PQ:QR等于? 本科生固体物理课程需要哪些数学知识?需要微分方程、傅里叶变换吗? 匀速圆周运动属于匀速运动吗 《数据结构》这门课需要哪些数学知识? 请问各位高人,协整关系是哪门数学课程知识啊?谢谢 氢氧化锗的酸性为什么强于碱性 猫头鹰的爪子是分开的吗? 点P,Q在曲线x^2+y^2=1,y>=0上,O是xOy坐标系的原点,P、Q在x轴上的射影是M、N,并且OQ平分∠POx则(OM+ON)(OP+OQ)(都是向量)的最小值是? 5号电池容量 一个旋转的球体从光滑的木板滑下来,当所有力都消失后,将如何运动 球体为什么会滚动有人碰球受力为什么能向前运动老师说是球受到一个向前的摩擦力可我认为摩擦力的作用点在最底下,作用效果应该使轮向相反方向转动,怎么会使球向前呢最好画出图 匀速圆周运动属于匀变速运动吗