
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:43:42
急求一篇有关节日的英语短文,不少于12句话! 在春节 翻译 旧单后的付款方式:依照出货结关日至贵公司收到货付款.请帮我翻译成英语! 英语翻译 《三字经》中仲尼是谁"昔仲尼,师项橐"是指什么的故事 When you finish the exercises,please c_____ them up with your partners.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 Please use your knife and fork to give s____ to the waiter for the bill when you finish your dish. will you please lend me the manual when you ____(finish)it?请详细点说下结构 被爽约后很失望的句子 你这么做,我感到很失望.改成双重否定句急紧急!好的有赏,先到先得!5分钟以内, 很失望 英语 中翻译英:"因为之前这个定单在交货之后,对方一直没有办理收货的手续." 初二英语half of the class和half the class区别 half the class 与half of the class的区别 It means that half of the proportions of parents do not really want to be parents,and ready to foster the children.觉得一半比例那里用错了,应该怎样修改呢?还是有其他更好的表达? half the sky half of the sky区别 英汉互译1.apiece of paper2.blow ou3.take off 英语翻译解释It never blow his stack and hardly ever flies off the handle tie things down before they blow away.翻译 孔夫子教三字经——? 孔夫子教 三字经—— 孔夫子教《三字经》的后半句 "涨''字怎么组词? 涨的四声可以组什么词 “涨” 组词两个声调zhǎng( )zhàng( ) Here is your cat.Please look after them怎么改错啊急用啊 The ( ) that half of the students dialike the course.A.statistic shows B.statistics shows The students are sorry to hear that the famous singer ----for half an hour.(130.24)A.has left B.has gone C.has been away D.has been to do ,it ,of ,students ,said ,the ,that ,enough,is ,exercise ,half ,take ,not 连成成句 尼罗河什么时候进入丰水期? 尼罗河进入丰水期是哪个半球哪个季节 水巨蜥与尼罗河巨蜥两种巨蜥怎么区别那怎么区分幼体呢?