
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:45:40
初三的题目,希望有人来回答因为真的很急To his disappointment , Sam ______ to take part in his girl friend's birthday party.A refuse B have refused C was refused D to reduseYou ________ work so hard at reviewing your lessons before 初三的题目,很急...希望有人回答1 The TV news reported the celebration of the old man's ________ birthday.(hundred)2 Being too busy every day will make one __________ sometimes. (forget)3 Please tell me when l should finish the report.( 北京的公交车上写摆渡车什么意思? you dont know jack 电影英语观后感……英语大神快来 you dont know jack 的英语观后感,150字~ I'll wait for you to stay for your love will always come back to you I will not abandon you!请帮我翻译一下 3Q! My love,I forgive you,will you come back to my side? 听力16个,单词4个,句子几乎不对,选词4个,完形8;9个.阅读8个 翻译2个 作文一般能过吗? 听力对18个 单词8个 句子2个 快速9个 选词2个 仔细2个 完形10个四级能过么 听力 选择对15 单词对7 句子对1 快读对10 选词对6 细读对5 完形12 翻译2.5 作文还行 求K.Will的you dont know love的中文音译歌词 have just read the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire翻译 快 you dont know love far I am f______ of Harry Potter.I have read all the books. Baby i dont know you dont love me翻译下求助了 You Dont Know What Love Is 歌词 《狼图腾》读后感一千字''' 美文一千字'' ''急'' mand in hong Do you want _________(come) to our Christmas party 诗“饮茶” 关于饮茶的诗句最好是很多人都知道的,耳熟能详的! 为什么有的英文之间有符号 Are these computers and TV sets?有没有语病 为什么Computers are more expensive than TV sets而I run much faster than Mary,为什么要有much,more和much有什么区别- 那为什么不能用more expensive Radios,televisions and computers are all great ______.(invent) 像christmas in my heart一样的英文歌最近听歌,喜欢上SARAH CONNER 请问有没有什么英文歌和CHRISTMAS IN MY HEART或者JUSI ONE LASI DANCE 这样的歌相似的, Do you want to come to my birthday party?Do you want to come to my birthday party?(改为同义句) '房地产开发公司'的英文怎么写,如题 主要经营房地产开发 英文 “地域型商业地产开发” 的英语翻译 the trip to Hong Kong Disneyland was really____(please) 电子琴上的1234等于字母社么啊