
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:44:27
the visit to.和the visit from有什么区别 1、你将成为崇拜你的小孩子的偶像.You can become a _____ _____ children who will ___ ____ ___ you.2、这个暑假我都是在奶奶家度过的.我一直在学习种地.I finally ____ that my _____ job is not fit for me . 填空:你将成为你的小孩子的偶像.You can become a ____ children who will ____ you. 英语作文:《You will a child》对不起,以上题目讲错了是《What did you use to do when you were a little child?》 怎么360任务列表今日搜一下和助人为乐不能完成啊, 什么回答了三个问题360问答任务还不算完成. Is Sears Tower____(tall)building in the world.用比较级或最高级 如图,AB为⊙O中的非直径弦,M、N是AB的三等分点.过M、N分别作AB的垂线MC、ND(垂足为M、N)交劣弧AB于C、D,证明AC=CD=BD不正确我主要是求不出MN和CD的关系 They're eyes.These are feet. 数学几何(求高手)求具体的过程,谢谢! 如图,AD//CD,就∠A、∠E、∠C的关系,并说明理由. What does VJCV stand for If VGCEJKPI is the code for TEACHING,what does VJCV stand for? I can not find ,The soˉcalled happiness I want the happiness.finally found out . I find the happiness.The answer is you what does "PK" stand for? what does AHM stand for 英语翻译求翻译Ever wonder about what he’s doing How it all turned to lies Sometimes I think that it’s better to never ask why Where there is desire There is gonna be a flame Where there is a flame Someone’s bound to get burned But just b 请大家 帮我翻译一下i'm happy to have known yous 是什么意思? 1.son(对应词) 2.sister(对应词) 3.they are(缩写形式) 4.these(对应词) 童鞋们救急啊 I noyre you have a happy birthday的中文意思是什么? 上气不接下下气近义词,急 ( )眉( )气 填近义词快 You are my Angel,but i can only have you in my dream!中文谢 各位高手问个六年级数学几何题?麻烦各位帮帮忙梯形ABCD上底AD长为4cm,下底DC长为12cm,BD、AC相交于点O,阴影部分BOC的面积为12平方厘米,问三角形ABD与BCD面积的比值是多少?它们BD边上高的比值是 英语翻译读书有许多优点是上网所没有的 (能不能用个定语从句)大概是这个意思就行~ _______the dog ,we should have reached our destination in time怎么选but for .3Q They are for ( ) a.our b.our d.we .选修11物理书中概念疑问选修11物理书中有这样一句话:把小磁针放在磁体的磁场中,小磁针受磁场力的作用,静止时两极指向确定的方向.在磁场中的不同点,小磁针静止时指的方向一般并不相 墨池记 岂信然邪如题 邪 是通假字么 通 岂信然邪 岂信然邪 是文言文什么句式