
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 08:51:11
take it with me .what's meaning? 我觉得也许我们应该帮助一下这些贫穷的孩子们翻译成英语 what organisation was that with?中文? 农村儿童失学的英语翻译 cgfcghcghcfgcg 表示成y是x的函数 x=y-1/y-2 将y表示成x的函数.速回 平均成绩和平均分有何区别 fancy dress fancy dress中dress不可数吧,为啥课本里还有a fancy dress i used to fancy what iwould like wearing a long snow i used to fancy what i would like wearing a long snow dress为什么wear要进行时态 AND I wore a fancy dress?人教新目标九年级第136页中,在第二栏2a,2b中的第五排有一句AND I wore a fancy dress,为什么and要大写呢?印刷错误?但是我看到我们老师的课件也是照着这么打的,她平时还算负 I"m very thirsty,____ these"s no water for a long time.A.or B.so C.because 谁能告诉我答和原因这是关于介词的用法 书上一大推解释 我没看懂 ㏒2sin15°+log2cos15°的值为多少? 选择.I'm very thirsty ,_______ there's no water for a long time .A.or B.so C.because D.but 信用证47A中的discount charges and acceptance commission are for account of applicant这句话的意思是:贴现费用与承兑费用由开证申请人负责吗?那什么叫贴现费用和承兑费用 请教这句英语句子如何翻译,The army retreated by ordinance of the general. acceptance and/or payment are account for beneficiary 请帮忙翻译payment is by banker's draft against documents. economic policy和financial policy有什么区别啊? 英语. 第(11)和第(12)为什么两空不能互换? financial 和economic有什么英语. 第(11)和第(12)为什么两空不能互换? financial 和economic有什么区别? 希望详细解释一下,我在线等你. 谢谢 真诚 financial problem 和 economic problem有什么区别? 数学节节高初一下40页12题混分的莫来 What was your classroom like yesterday?翻译 negotiation under reserve or guarantee is not allowed,要准确的翻译. Negotiation of documents under guarantee or under reserves not allowed 请高手指教.保证下的单据议付不允许? negotiation/payment of documents under reserve or against indemnity or guarantee is prohibited?这是信用证上47A项下的有关描述!急~ documents preseneted with discrepancy must not be negotiated against guarantee or under reserve. 设函数f(x)=x方+(m-4)x-6m方-2m+4,已知f(a)=f(b)=0,且a、b均大于1,求m范围 But one thing has the same means everywhere,a smile mean I 'm happy.同义句But one thing has the same meaning()and(),a smile mean I 'm happy. 甲车和乙车同时从东西两站相对开出,第一次在过中点西侧12千米处相遇,相遇后两车以原速继续前进,到达对方出发地后都立即返回,在途中第二次相遇,这时相遇点离东站20千米,求两站间距离.