来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:50:37
grade当分数或成绩讲时有复数吗有这样两句话 Her grades are very high.She goe good grades 这里的grades难道不是复数吗 那两条线为什么叫南北回归线命名相关,以及意义 Bob does not know how he can get to the museum.的同义句是什么 How can I get to the museum什么意思 The second group (is formed by) five girls and five boysA is made in B s made of C is made up of D is made from The school has five hundred students ______ two thirds are girls.咋填?The school has five hundred students ______ two thirds are girls.a.of them b.of whom c.of that d.who请说明原因 帮我听听英语原文?http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA1NDM3MDg=.html?full=true# 听.讲用英语怎么写 全分求英语高手帮听听这篇口技的原文!急需这篇口技的英文原文,一句句写下来最好,决不食言! 荆楚人士 就这词啥意思?有什么含义呢? 英语听怎么写 青海一年四季主要有哪些农事活动 there is going to _____ an art exhibition next week When students are caught cheating ,they will be kicked out of school.请问cheating是做什么成份什么作用 医学考博英语和通用博士英语有什么不同 23.24页 you () in a new place when you are in a new place ,do as the l____ people do.在 "l____" 处填一个l 打头的单词 用like to do sth造句3个,翻译喔 These firemen are very helpful.(改为单数句子) 英语翻译【用字典死】Mary would like to make friends with people who think friendship. these men are doctor还是these men are doctors 烧杯,塑料袋外壁上怎么会有水珠呢? 英语翻译开会议程里的, 英语翻译 为什么一直闪电而不打雷呢?我看见闪电,没听见雷声 Morning comes early and cool and bright.Let us do morning exercises.翻译 early morning和early in the morning什么区别 问一道《信号与系统》的题,采样那一章的那个e指数上面的-jkπ上的k是怎么来的?ω=2π/T还是2kπ/T?所以请不要只给个二选一的答案,请讲下这个推倒过程的来龙去脉,下个月就考研了,希望能尽 如何根据信号的采样值计算其直流分量 为什么会打雷下雨?为什么有光和闪电? 关于单位冲激信号的疑问,信号与系统单位冲激函数的积分区间是0-到0+,被积函数δ(t)=∞,这个积分在高数里面就没见到过,是人为规定的么?