
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:59:02
介绍蒙娜丽莎 有关蒙娜丽莎的介绍? 蒙娜丽莎这幅画的介绍 This pair of shoes is size 5.size的S要大写吗?我记得以前上学,老师强调Class 3,Grade 2 这样的一定要大写,因为是专有名词.可是在新概念上又看到He is in car number fifteen都没有大写.有点迷惑了. he do speak English well.这句话哪里错了 There is not very much experimental data ______ a decision between the two possibilities.On which to base B. which is based on C. To base on which D. to be based on The furthest in the world is not beteew life and death ,but i stand in front of you ,yet you don't Potted plants怎么读 stressed plants 怎么翻译 she got (really)mad at me.可换成rather吗 The furthest distance in the world.Is not when I stand in font of you.Yet you can’t see my love She really got mad to me改错句 芜湖长江大桥有多长 我分不清楚英语中的代词,副词,介词,冠词. 描写万州长江大桥的说明文 芜湖长江大桥是否已通 法语关系代词La France est un pays _____ la gastronomie(美食) occupe une place imprtante.填dont 还是 ou 呢 为什么 关于法语关系代词的疑问!对于法语中的关系代词还是有些混淆.例如:下面几个句子中要用到关系代词,我把可能使用到的关系代词写在了括号中.括号中哪些关系代词在该句中是可以使用的( Ils sont incapables d'ecouter les autres.Je les meprise.用qui合成,为什么说要用ceux,不是说代词可以作为先行词吗?ils不是吗?Ces films finissent bien.Je les prefere.这个句子是有先行词的~ 法语--填写正确的关系代词1.Dans la région __où__ j'habite on cultive du blé.2.Dans la région __d'où__ je viens la culture principale est le riz.第一题的疑问:为什么第一个要填où呢?où不是代替地点状语的吗?而前 What is the most c_______ thing that annoys your classmates 1.This is their classroom(同义句) 请写出下列句子的同义句:1.This is my camera2.Are those their calculators?3.Is that diary hers?4.Is 我要一篇说明文一篇介绍物品的说明文,最好是500字,下午就用 去单位面试时.领导说他们考虑考虑是什么意思?是不是就是不要我了 1.how many p___do plants have?2.roots grow b__ground.3.l___make food for the plant.4.the s__carries the water from the roots to the leaves and flowers.5.the seed of the rice plant feed b__of people.6.theseed will g__into a plant.7. Under the Ground这篇文章是什么意思 人生,要怎样过,才会精彩? seeds/to grow up to be plants and trees roots/ to hold plants and trees in the groundtrunks/to hold the trees above the ground的意思 the way under the 想知道这个词组是什么意思,要最准确的 Under the ground,the roots spread out so that the tree can stand firm.中文翻译 I will ring you if he __(come) tonight.用正确的形式填空