
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:13:48
英语翻译Uh,yeah,I stopped by to see if you were still looking for a roommate to share your house,.My brother wants to move out.Yep,Isure am.Ever since i cut back on my work hours to go to school ,i've been really low on cash.求翻译 想大概了解一下哲学思想,有没有比较好的书? 哪里有卖关于李小龙哲学思想的书籍想买本 看看,觉得他的哲学思想非常的不错. 求书!关与批判哲学思想类的书!对现在社会上某些已成为共识、常理的认知或现象进行颠覆性或创造性的深刻批判,对人性中某些隐藏的东西的批判,对历来经典文学中某些东西的批判,最重要 天街夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星的意境是什么 将来进行时和现在进行时的区别是什么 现在进行时和将来进行时的区别I'm going camping for vacation.这个句子的意思是我打算在假期去野营.这不是将来时么.怎么和现在进行时的用法一样?还有 what are you doing for vacation?为什么是doing而不 怎么区分现在进行时和将来进行时 外星人保罗有国语版吗?在那看? 银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤.天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星.诗中“_________”“________."两句反应了这一季节的特点.作者通过“______““______”的描写,反应出宫女的孤独无聊的宫廷生活 秋夕,银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扑流萤.天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星这首诗是什么意 advise和suggest的区别说的简洁一点 suggest和advise的区别是? 英语音标倒e发音说呀要舌头放平,舌中部抬高.可是怎么才能做到舌中部抬高啊?对了还有的音标发音时要舌前部抬高.有的还要舌后部抬高.可是前部怎么抬高?后部怎么抬高?求教啊..感觉自己的 as it is/was是什么意思 who told you to clean the window?father().he said they are too dirty Atold Bdid CtellingD had told为什么不能选c与d觉得d的过去过去完成时不行吗? as is是什么意思 who told you to clean the windowsFather_ he said they were dirty A.told B.did C.have told D.had tol the smart family_____________on hoilday a.are c.werewhat are you going to do_________next b.on c./that shop isn't far____________herea.from b.of c.inthe moon is shining__________a.sad b.sadly c.sadermy mother_________a big hat todaya.pu the knife and fork that ___closest to you ___much ,is B.are ,are为什么,请说明理由,the fork and knife 如果是那不是一个整体吗,应该谓单才对,怎么回事 生活在这,没有一点诗意,用英语怎么说?(可以是“Living here ,without poetry .”吗) "来自"的不同说法可以用在古诗中的表达“来自什么什么地方”的词.在诗中自然一点,要两个字.要表达很多人都共同来自这个地方.三个字也可以. 英语翻译Frozen在英文语境中对电影有什么特别含义么\x09拜托各位了 3Q 有关写雨的好词好句 DOG是什么意思 价格后面 加 As is where is 有 these days 的句子里该用什么时态呢?有的说用现在完成时 有的说用现在进行时.弄不清楚拉.比如:I_____very well these days.I think I need to see the doctor.(do not sleep / won't sleep / hadn't slept / wasn't sleeping as is baseball is he most popular sport of all the sports(改成同义句) Most of us know about the Nobel Prize, especially the Nobel Peace Prize, but few of us know anything about the man who set them up. His name was Alfred Nobel. He was a great scientist and inventor himself. Besides, he had a big business. His business 在宾语从句中是how的疑问句要改成陈诉句语序吗如can you tell me +how can i get to the Center garden?其中how can i get to the Center garden要不要改变语序成文陈诉句语序? It is very p ___________in the USA.