
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:05:56
40mLNO和NO2混合气体与20mol O2,同时通入水中(混合气体事先装入体积为60mL试管内),充分反应后,试管内还剩5mL的气体(标况),求原混合气体的体积组成. 将等物质的量的CO和H2O混合,在一定条件下发生反应,CO(g)+H2O(g)=可逆=CO(g)+H2O(g)反应至4秒时,得知CO的转化率为31.23则这时混合所体对氢气的相对密度为多少.(请写过程. (1)3.84gCu与100ml2.0mol/L稀硝酸溶液充分反应.若反应后的溶液仍为100ml.求此时溶液中硝酸根的物质的量浓度.(2)某花费厂用NH3制硝酸,再进一步制NH4NO3.已知由NH3制硝酸时的产率为88%,由NH3与硝 为什么氨气不能用无水CACL2干燥而需用生石灰? He didn't live here any longer after he left school,改为同义句 He ___ ___ live here after he left shool ... She said she would live in London for ________ four or five years.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others She said she __for London the following week.A will leave B had left C is leaving D would leave答案选D 为什么 winpro enterprises co.,ltd,in the course of our examination of the accounts of the above company be动词后面可以直接跟动词原形吗 翊的含义是什么立和羽看起来很单独的2个字,是否适合在一起呢? Hurry up,don;t you hear the bell _______(ring)?为什么 英语翻译1.In her eyes a child.She thinks that I'll go and do something stupid every time I leave the house.And she's not trusting enough.She doesn't see that I can look after myself now.She's far too strict.2.My big problem right now is that she 用among 造句问A B 和 C之间的区别怎么造句? 请用among造句,来造几个不同层面的句子用among造句,请附带中文,十分感谢 WILL+动词原形的时候 什么情况下原形前+BE 英语的情态动词有哪些?动词呢? 情态动词是什么?有哪些? i think i will take off my heavy shoes and( )my sandals instead 英语翻译DO you know who Lei Feng is?If you don't,ask your parents-they know.In the second half of the 20th century,Lei was born in 1940.He lost his parents when he was very young.At the age of 20,he joined the army.The young soldier lived a simpl Let us go ------ field trip .这句话中应填on 还是 to?为什么? 英语连词成句(1)sunny take it's off my so I coat (2) because I take raincoat ra Let us go on field trip .这句话中的on 是否要改成 to ,为什么? Let us go on field trip .这句话中的on 是否要改成 to o He needs to buy some donuts同义句sticks什么意思? He needs ( )(buy) some medicine. We use cameras to take photos.(保持句意)Cameras _______ ______ _______ take photos. THE camera is used to take photos 改为同意句? 句型转换:My mom asked me not to play computer.My mom asked me to ___ ___ computer.(同义句)截止日期:2011年9月12日晚 Jim asked me to lend hiam my computer I was too busy to attend the meeting,so I asked my cousin to attend it for me(同意句转换)I was too busy to attend the meeting,so my cousin attended it_____.my cousin to attended the meeting ____ ____ ____,because I was too busy attend it. my mom asked me to do my homework before watching tv.间接引语变直接引语My mom asked me to do my homework before watching TV. 情态动词都包括什么?最为常用的是哪些?