
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:48:03
一道数学题,某班有48名学生,其中只参加数学小组的有19人,既参加数学小组又参加体育小组的有8人,既不参加数学小组又不参加体育小组的有8人,只参加体育小组的有几人?验算也麻烦一下 已知一平面过三点A(2,3,3,)B(0,-2,1)C(-3,4,1),求一个与该平面垂直的单位向量 响应“家电下乡”的惠农政策,某商场界定从厂家购进甲、乙、丙三种不同型号的电冰箱80台,其中甲种电冰箱的台数是乙种电冰箱台数的2倍,购买三种电冰箱的总金额不超过132000元,已知甲乙丙 数学题1道答对+10 分有一批货物第1天运走总数的25%第2 天与第二天所修路程的比试5:4,还剩下220米没有修,这条路全长多少米?有一批货物第1天运走总数的25%第2 天与第1天所修路程的比试5:还 If don't have you.. I will die.. so, share with you.. Very important people.谁能帮忙翻译下 一道初一全等三角形如图,已知af平分角bac,角1=角2,bf与cf相等吗?为什么? All the people don't share the disdain for..z是"不是所有人都''还是翻译成所有的人? 初一全等三角形一道有点看不懂.MS没学到|||麻烦看下图——最下面一道没做完的http://hiphotos.baidu.com/asdhasodas/pic/item/d713080aa0f0e3bbd1581bd2.jpg 初一全等三角形图点击放大 you are the last person who(leave)the house用原形吗 it was 3:00am and you were the last person to 3Q翻译 He was the last person ________ the boat.为什么b错 A:to leave B:leaving C:left D:to leaving为什么不选b,非谓语作定语不是么,主动ing 被动ed Benjamin Franklin 是谁?(美国科学家,18世纪的) 平均股价是算术是平均还是加权平均吗? 求平均是不是有一种几何平均值,还有一种算数平均值?分别怎么算?分别给个公式吧,谢谢.比如:(1+2+3+4+5)/5=3,这个是算术平均值吧?那几何平均值呢?谢谢.用excel怎么实现这个运算? I would like to know what sports you are good at是定语从句吗?不是的话什么句?求分析句子成分. either you or Jenny good at sports?求开头填什么 4.He was the only person in his office______ was invited.A.whom B.whose C.that D.which4.He was the only person in his office______ was invited.A.whom B.whose C.that D.whichD.in everything 改错I was the only one in the office that was invited to the party.1.I was the only one in the office that was invited to the party.2.Do you remember one afternoon inAmericawhere a terrible earthquake took place? __in his office was invited.He was the only one who got the invitation.A.Nobody B.None C.Some body else D.Everybody elseB打错了,B.Nobody else,答案是选B,为什么 17.This is Elizabeth Tina Brown,our new teacher.You may call her __________.A.Mr Brown B.Miss I was the only person in any office who was invited.这句话为什么就对呢?有限定词only不是用that么 1/2SIN15-2/根号3cos15=? 关于算术平均和加权平均你的小测成绩是80分,期末考成绩是90分,老 师要计算总的平均成绩,就按照小测30%、期末成绩70%的比例来算,所以你的平均成绩是:80×30%+90×70%=87(加权平均) 算术平均 计算(根号5+根号3-根号2)(根号5-根号3-根号2) 什么叫bank from which payment will be made? (根号12+根号24)/根号3-(根号2又1/2) 3根号3+根号(3分之1)-2+3+|根号3-2|-根号3(根号3-1) 请帮我改成大小100K,帧数40帧的动图! 王啸坤的一首歌有一句是 I love the journey 求大大帮改动图 40帧数小于100k 加权平均分和平均分有什么区别