
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:05:43
Can you give me two five yuan notes 这句话对么? During the summer vacation,I often got upDuring the summer vacation,I often got up at 6:00 and take a work in the garden for harf an our.这句哪错了? 同学情的作文怎么写 where引导的问句是用来询问什么的 Let is do sth······shall we的意思 表提建议……如Shall we do sth还有什么? 求英文歌《I went to your wedding》的歌词 补全对话 ____ was your weekend,John?It was ___ .I went to the park ____ my parents______ was your weekend,John?It was _____ .I went to the park ______ my parents First,we walked around the park.______,we flew a kite and played games.Finally,we ha 求求写篇英语作文!My favourite animal初中的要用语法哦! 翻译维语,Rahmat 求一句维语意思请问 西米 曼谷 亚克西 苦德曼 是什么意思 man sini uygur mikin daptiman galiring har yang han zu yoldaxlarning saga ohxax gap satidigan wakti yok san bir oyanqi uygur ohxaysan Look,Mike is_(sit)_(quiet)用所给词的正确形式填空 The only person I have ever know ___a skeleton in the cupboard A.he had B.of having C.that he hasD.to have这句话中为什么选D, His name is Peter.(根据答句写问句)I come from Canada (根据答句写问句) 请懂维语的朋友告诉我下面这句维语是什么意思,多谢了!全文是:Azgan Lanig amas, ozugiz In am Kigan ToGra YolGa BaxliGay Siz uLLuh Allahim. 多谢了,我女朋友最近情绪特别不好,老是哭,我想知道她写得是什么 请懂维语的朋友告诉我 Bir Alla Din Bir Sini TiLayma 是什么意思? 拜谢了! 作文怎么写,求400字. come your come,way for your come real 如题 与come true when she was 22,her dream to be a teacher ( )用 came true 还是 came real school is over.the students walk out of the classroom ______ _____ ____.翻译:放学了,学生们一个接一个的走出了教室 school is over,and then the students clean their classroom.求同义句子 1.There are ( )students in our school and ( )the students is over 2000.A.a number of ; the nunber of B.the number of; the number of C.a number of ;a number of D.a number of;the number of 2.Jack found a bag ( )on the road and picked it up .A.lie B.lyi 国际质量管理体系认证 英语全称是什么 表格OEE的英文全称是什么? 质量管理的英文文献哪里能找得到 连词成句(英语)各位帮帮忙哦、 1are,in,classroon,you,playing,ping-pong,the 求 詹天佑 感动中国 颁奖词 用不少于五句话介绍你最喜欢的一种动物,要写出它的特点,并且要用上以下单词:animal,looks like,livescan,good at Looks Just Like the Sun 歌词 It looks like a dead animal .这是什么 求科普!这是我做听力遇到的一个句子,是女生对男生的衣服的评价,然后问女生觉得衣服怎么样,选择了 It is ugly.我想问问这是俚语么?