
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:05:26
什么样的朋友才是真朋友?在交往的朋友堆里,哪些朋友才是真朋友?值得我们去交往的?请各位经历过的回答,这对我很重要;为求采纳的回答不要, “患难朋友才是真朋友”是谁说的? 硬质合金金相观测?请问在硬质合金行业中金相观测:观测倍率有哪些?适用于硬质合金金相观测的国产金相制样设备、金相显微镜哪家的性价比高?需要能在电脑上观察、拍照、测量、取图. 关于硬质合金金相检验中宏观孔洞的问题.在硬质合金金相检验中,发现宏观孔洞较多.多集中在20-75微米,最大的有180微米,造成这种情况的原因除了欠烧,未压好,配料时混入灰尘杂质等原因之外, 硬质合金金相实践有哪些 some other way不+S?Why not try doing it some other way?何不用其他办法试一试?way不+s?为什么?不确定不要误导我xx 新浪微博里有一栏有“关注”和“粉丝”这两者有什么区别么? they were pushed farther and farther until they were confined to a reservation in--is now SouthDskoda.a.whichb.whatc.where选哪个为什么请给出详细解释 用英语怎么说"患难见挚交"? Beijing will have a fine day.(改为一般疑问句) 歌迷是fans,那么形容一个歌迷呢?fan电风扇? 一篇游莲花山的作文400字左右自己写 fan和fans是什么意思 粉丝是fans还是fan啊,还是说单数是fan复数是fans啊? fan 与 fans 在**迷上的区别,急寻严肃的回答.fan 与 fans 都有爱好者与追捧者的意思.难道他们之间仅仅只有一个单数一个复数的关系吗?我想知道的更详细一些.不需要其它的对 fan 和 fans的解释, 什么什么的fan(粉丝) 用什么介词? 游莲花山旅游区的作文怎么写?RT Unfortunately when I arrived she____,so we only had time for a few words.A just leftB has just left C was just leaving D had just left 饲料颗粒机和粉丝机有什么区别 all of these people teach us that there are other ways of being and thinking and relating to the nature world 请帮忙paraphase .. That is a lovely childran these peach are very delicious linda ys my friends there are sixty minut 黑暗和社会支配一切的苦难社会的英文怎么说 \"它告诉了我们社会的黑暗\"用英语怎么说 -80% of our work --finished.-really?it's--hard work,you know.A have been,such Bhas been,such C h...-80% of our work --finished.-really?it's--hard work,you know.A have been,such Bhas been,such C has ,such a D is,soC肯定是错的嘛,work是不可 Huh.Really?Have you ever been to Europe?的意思 英语 3Qmaybe nobody tell you something!if you do something on that day i can tell you ,you will finish,because you offend me!i don't easy offebd!(OH!CALM DOWN)you don't feel angry becaus Somebody!shit! 英语翻译并且说明、为什么was that of not\\其中有词组么 索性的近义词是什么?信赖的近义词是什么?数落的近义词是什么? He regards that book asone of the worst that he’s _____ read.这里填ever 还是never ,why! 信赖的近义词是什么 The man and his friend were supportive ______ one another at that critical moment.A.in B.on C.at D.of the world is changing so fast that english.perhaps the most worldiy of的原文